Technological Solutions
Technological Solutions EFFECT4buildings is mapping and spreading knowledge on technology solutions for energy efficiency in buildings to achieve economic savings. Building managers gain from better knowledge on their profitability, performance and how to order them to benefit the highest possible value. At the same time, technology solution providers often seek for a bigger market and […]
Prosumerism Insights in EU and the legislation framework of each participating country, support schemes, tools and guidelines. The documents give information about PV market trends and costs, including installed capacity trends, price trends for modules and installation and PV technology and its efficiency trends, both globally and in each country. All the Toolbox elements can […]
Green Lease Contracting
Green Lease Contracting Green leasing contracting is a good way to motivate both building owner and tenant to adopt energy saving measures. By reaching this kind of agreement, energy savings will be shared in a way that both parties will gain on the savings. The contract also contributes to a dialog between partners and puts […]
Multi Service Contracting
Multi Service Contracting Multi service contracts is a method used for energy efficiency contracting to add other co-benefits such as lighting, indoor air quality, temperature, noise, esthetical values and well-being issues in the investments. These co-benefits are included somehow in agreements (in 57% of the answers), but not in a systematical way. The method brings […]
Energy Performance Contracting
Energy Performance Contracting Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) is provision of energy services with a guaranteed outcome. The key principle is that the investments are financed from the resulting savings. It is a well-tested and successful tool that has been helping building owners reach their energy and climate targets more quickly than with traditional implementation of […]
Funding Funding is a crucial element for implementing energy efficiency activities. Different funding sources exist in all EFFECT4buildings project countries. Based on the results of interviews 70% of the respondents inform that they have received external funding to implement energy efficiency measures. Within this tool we present different external funding sources for EE investments available […]
Financial Calculations
Financial Calculations Financial calculation tools are critical and extremely important when justifying energy efficiency measures to get the decisions taken. As many as 92% of the respondents either totally agree or nearly agree in this question. On the other hand, the easiness of doing and understanding of financial calculations is more challenging. About half (49%) of […]
Bundling Bundling is a method to merge smaller investments into one bigger package. By operating in this way, it is possible to make the investment large enough to attract investors and also include less profitable measures in the package. Anyhow bundling as a method seems to be not so often used and well-known, thus only […]
Convincing Decision Makers
Convincing decision makers is in practice a summary of utilizing all other tools in the toolbox. The main message is that convincing decision makers needs really strong arguments and facts. This means clear numbers and visual charts (like pay-back time), which are simple and easy to understand. Beautiful words are not enough alone, but of […]