EFFECT4buildings Cooperates with Building Sector in Georgia

With the aim to disseminate EFFECT4buildings results and to learn more about the building renovation in Eastern countries, project Lead partner, County Board of Dalarna in Sweden, will cooperate with LTD “Laboratory of Construction” in Georgia. Thanks to Swedish Institute peer-to-peer meetings will be organized between County Board of Dalarna and LTD “Laboratory of Construction”. […]
EFFECT4buildings Newsletter #3 Case Stories

Since the beginning of the EFFECT4buildings, the project team has been actively working with municipalities and public building managers to develop and test different financial tools and methods to unlock the investments and lower the risks of implementing energy efficiency measures in public buildings. EFFECT4buildings project team in regions invited public building managers to become case owners for different tools and instruments. Some of these cases […]
EFFECT4buildings Project Participates in New Energy Cooperation Platform, CAMS

As lead partner for EFFECT4buildings, Dalarna County Board participates in a new platform collaboration with other energy projects in the Baltic Sea region. The platform is funded by the Baltic Sea Region Program and is called Climate Adaptation & Mitigation Synergies Energy Efficiency Platform, CAMS. In this way, experiences from the EFFECT4buildings project can be […]
Kemp and Lauritzen would like to Develop a More Flexible Model for Renovation Projects

The contractor Kemp and Lauritzen is working to develop a more flexible model for large-scale renovation projects. In addition to energy savings, the model will also take into account parameters such as user satisfaction and indoor climate. Is the ESCO model too standardized? When planning major renovation projects, the ESCO model is a well-known tool. […]
Technical Solutions: Solar Heat Water Storage

Background Josef Janni is the creator of a company in Switzerland’s Janni energietechnik. He started the business in the middle of the seventies with making solar collectors. The vision was to create a system that made a building self-sufficient in heating and hot water with only the sun as an energy source. Their solution is […]
“Energy Café” Smart Energy Solutions: Take the Leap – the Right Time is Now

Our society is facing a major challenge to meet our climate goals. How will we achieve our goals? Is there any technological solution available? These are tricky questions that we face and maybe the solution is among the ones and zeros, this was discussed in the Energy Café “smart energy solutions are soon the new […]
Technological Solutions: Ventilation System

This is a brief description of the development of ventilation solutions and pros and cons that can be associated with the different ventilation systems. Natural ventilation Natural ventilation is driven by the thermal forces that occur in the building. This is achieved when the indoor temperature is significantly higher than outside temperature. The supply air […]
Technological Solutions: Wastewater Heat Exchanger

Residential buildings have become more energy efficient when it comes to both the buildings envelope and ventilation, in these areas there is a fairly large range of solutions and well-proven methods on how to save energy in residential buildings. The energy demand for hot water can account for an increasing proportion of the building’s energy […]
Vidzeme Municipalities are Interested in Installing Solar Panels for Electricity Generation

In April this year, Vidzeme Planning Region invited Vidzeme municipalities to applybuildings for solar panel feasibility study. Nine municipalities (Ape, Alūksne, Burtnieki, Cēsis, Gulbene, Kocēni, Naukšēni, Smiltene and Valka) applied at least one of their object. In order to make the necessary calculations, the applied object had to meet several criteria – the building must […]