As lead partner for EFFECT4buildings, Dalarna County Board participates in a new platform collaboration with other energy projects in the Baltic Sea region. The platform is funded by the Baltic Sea Region Program and is called Climate Adaptation & Mitigation Synergies Energy Efficiency Platform, CAMS.

In this way, experiences from the EFFECT4buildings project can be disseminated and experiences can be exchanged between the ten other projects involved: LowTEMP, AREA 21, Co2mmunity, Act Now, BEA-APP, RDI2CluB and also HORIZON 2020’s HERON, SIM4NEXUS, ENLARGE, and ARCEE funded by EuropeAid.
Methods for energy auditing in the Baltic Sea region
“Within the collaboration, methods for large-scale implementation of cost-effective energy auditing of high quality will be tested. The method is based on using comparable data in a database and is a continuation of the EFFECT4buildings project that has worked to develop the method. Partners will also develop recommendations on how to combine energy measures with climate adaptation measures in buildings,” says Marit Ragnarsson, EFFECT4buildings Lead Project Manager, County Board of Dalarna.
Read more about the CAMS platform:
About EFFECT4buildings:
EFFECT4buildings is implemented with the support from the Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2014-2020 Program (European Regional Development Fund) and Norwegian national funding. The aim of the project is to improve the capacity of public building managers in the Baltic Sea Region by providing a comprehensive decision-making support toolbox with a set of financial instruments to unlock the investments and lower the risks of implementing energy efficiency measures in buildings owned by public stakeholders. For more information:
More information: Marit Ragnarsson, EFFECT4buildings Project Manager, County Board of Dalarna